Browsing Occasion




With pantry cooking on the rise, and needing simple dishes we can make for lunch on a work-from-home workday, this one-pot dish of rice and lentils became a favorite. We even prepped “khichdi kits” of pre-measured ingredients to make it easier to get lunch on the table.

The toppings are the real star – don’t skip them!

Yield: 3 servings Total time: 40 minutes

Pasta e Ceci (Roman Pasta & Chickpeas)

Our lives have changed in the past month. We are sheltering in place in our homes due to the arrival of the coronavirus, so all work, school, cooking, and eating is now done at home. I no longer dash to get a poke bowl or go for lunch with a coworker, I don’t even really leave the house.

This comforting bowl of chickpeas and pasta, cooked in its own sauce, has become a weekly go-to lunch we can make quickly at home and eat while we work and help Leo do his schoolwork. Made entirely from pantry staples, it’s garlicky and satisfying, and is a small dose of reassurance in uncertain times.

Yield: 3 servings Total time: 30 minutes

Simple Butternut Soup

Roast a halved butternut squash, lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, and olive oil, and then blend it in a food processor with a bit of chicken broth, miso paste, and a small amount of butter. It’s warm and satisfying, perfect for a cozy lunch at home.

Yield: 4 servings Total time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Pressure Cooker Boiled Eggs

“Boiling” eggs in an electric pressure cooker gives you consistent results and eggs that are really easy to peel.

Yield: 6 eggs Total time: 30 minutes

Soy Eggs

We’ve fallen in love with the soy-marinated boiled eggs found at ramen shops and the festivals at Leo’s school, and they’re so easy to make at home. We use medium-boiled eggs (though the little dude likes them hard-boiled), and soak them in a solution of soy sauce, sherry vinegar, and sugar.

Yield: 6 eggs Total time: 6 hours 30 minutes

Volcano Noodles

Black rice noodles (which are really a lovely shade of dark purple), red bell peppers, bright green edamame, orange carrots, and purple cabbage, in a sesame-soy dressing, make a vibrant, rainbow-colored main dish.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings Total time: 30 minutes

Moist & Tender Chicken Breasts

This method of preparing boneless skinless chicken breasts is perfect if you need sliced chicken for topping salads or pasta dishes.

Total time: 40 minutes

Roasted Salmon with Lentils

This salad of cooked lentils dressed with vinaigrette and flakes of roasted salmon has become one of our go-to weeknight dinners.

Yield: 4 servings Total time: 30 minutes

Slow Cooker White Bean Soup

This soup of garlic, onion, celery, carrots, navy beans, bay leaf, and rosemary makes getting through the winter a little easier.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings Total time: 8 hours

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad

Butternut squash is one of my favorite foods, and I love any opportunity to make it the star of a meal. For this dish, roast diced butternut squash with maple syrup and dried cranberries, and then dress it with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, shallots, and Dijon mustard. Combine with arugula, walnuts, and Parmesan cheese.

Yield: 4 servings Total time: 45 minutes